We’re Going to Rebuild: Central Camera Company Destroyed by Fire
Central Camera Company was destroyed by fire on May 30th, 2020. The destruction followed a day of nationwide protests sparked by the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis. "I'm angered about what started it" [...]
35mm Rangefinder Sale
Central Camera is having our biggest 35mm Rangefinder Sale in years! Cameras are working, have been serviced as needed, and include our 90-day warranty (a few items as noted are offered AS-IS). Sales starts 01/30/20, and [...]
Medium Format Cameras in Stock, May 2019
Central Camera Company has a great selection of Medium Format cameras available. Contact us or visit the shop to purchase. Highlights include: Mamiya RZ67 Professional Body with 120 Back 90-Day Warranty / $799.95 Mamiya RZ67 [...]
Central Camera Company is accepting orders for Ilford's 2019 Ultra Large Format (ULF) film program! Pre-paid orders must be received by Friday, May 24th, 2019. A full list of the 2019 items is available on [...]
Sale! Leica Demo One-of-a-Kind Cameras & Lenses
Central Camera Company is having a special one-of-a-kind Leica Demo Sale: LEICA CAMERAS M10 Digital Rangefinder Camera (Silver Chrome #20001) -- $6,495.00 M10 Digital Rangefinder Camera (Black Chrome #20000) -- $6,495.00 M-P (TYP 240) Digital [...]
Leitz Summaron 2.8cm f5.6 Red Scale LTM
The Leitz Summaron 2.8cm f5.6 Red Scale LTM (Leica Thread Mount) is a rare lens we don't see often at Central Camera Company. Only 7,000 units were produced between 1955-1963, so it's unusual to find [...]