Kodak TMAX P3200 is back!

Exciting news! We were given a couple of test rolls of the new Kodak TMAX P3200 by our friends at Kodak. Sample shots presented here are by Central Camera Company’s Katherine Greenleaf. Photos were shot in the projection booth during a recent Chicago Film Society show at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre, one of a few venues that have retained the capability for 35mm changeover projection (they can do 70mm, too! Chicago trivia: The Music Box Theatre opened in 1929, the same year that Central Camera Company moved into its present location on Wabash Avenue).

TMAX P3200 can be rated and processed at a variety of ISOs; for this first roll of 35mm film, Katherine both shot and processed at 3200. She hand processed the roll in straight D76 at Chicago Community Darkroom; the technical documentation from Kodak that accompanies the release of this film suggests a number of possible processing options with a variety of chemistry–all of which can be found at Central Camera Company.

2018-07-06T15:51:17+00:00 April 4th, 2018|Comments Off on Kodak TMAX P3200 is back!