No need to park! Curbside pick-up at Central Camera Company
Did you know Central Camera Co. offers curbside pickup? Here's how it works: contact us with your order, give us a few minutes to gather your items, and call when you arrive. We'll bring your [...]
Yashica Mat-124 G Review
The Yashica Mat-124 G is one of our favorite medium format cameras at Central Camera Company. Photographers love this TLR, and so do we! It has a well-deserved reputation for producing high-quality images on 120 film, [...]
We Buy Used Photographic Equipment Everyday!
Central Camera Company has been paying top dollar for used photo equipment every day since our doors opened for business in 1899! Receive the highest value for your used merchandise, or apply dollar value in-trade towards your [...]
Toyo Large Format 4×5 Cameras in stock
We have three exceptional Toyo 4x5 cameras in stock now at Central Camera Company. Good things come in threes, as the old saying goes... see them in our shop! TOYO STUDIO/FIELD VX125 Designed for the large [...]
Kodak TMAX P3200 is back!
Exciting news! We were given a couple of test rolls of the new Kodak TMAX P3200 by our friends at Kodak. Sample shots presented here are by Central Camera Company's Katherine Greenleaf. Photos were shot in [...]
Spring Sale: Used Camera & Lenses in our Online Shop
All used cameras & lenses in our online shop are on sale now! Cameras and lenses from Leica, Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Minolta, and more are priced to sell. Most items include Central Camera Company's [...]